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Floral Carpet – Autumn Fair 1964
Convenor/Designer Mrs O. Thomas
February 1964
Gross proceeds from the Dahlia Show and Floral Carpet amounted to £77/6/3. Mr & Mrs Robinson came to Maleny to judge the flowers etc. The President thanked Mrs Thomas for her wonderful work in designing the Floral carpet and all those who helped in any way. The winners and trophy getters were congratulated.
The Patrons Trophy was won by Mrs O. Thomas with the lovely yellow cactus.
Dahlias: Champion Dahlia award was won by Mrs D. Watson, Champion Flower award by Mrs A. Penney, Champion Arrangement award by Mrs F. Porter.
September 1964
The twelfth Annual Meeting and Election of Officers was held in the John Perry Memorial Hall on 29 September.
Officers elected for 1964-1965 were:
- President: Mrs R. Penney
- Vice Presidents: Mrs Chafer & Mrs A. Plucknett
- Secretary: Mrs S. Dunstan
- Treasurer :Mrs G. Cassells
- Auditor: Mr Phillips
Subscriptions: Mrs Dunstan moved, Mrs Humphries seconded that the subscriptions remain at 5/-. Carried.
Notice of Motion: Moved by Mrs A. Plucknett seconded by Mrs Chafer, that no-one asks for or takes any plant, piece of plant, shrub etc from the garden of any member acting as Host or Hostess on the day of the meeting.