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*** Maleny Garden Club celebrates 50 Years ***
Floral Carpet theme – Glass House Mountains – Autumn Flower Show 2002
50th birthday ‘cake’ in the foyer of Maleny Community Centre
Joyce Ferguson (L) Nancy Schaeffer (R)
Norma McLeod made a special birthday cake for the 50th Celebration.
January 2002
Autumn Flower Show Planning: Marianne Parry has co-ordinated the planting and distribution of plants among members and planted extensively herself. All members to be encouraged to support the plant, cutting, white elephant, cake and produce and Tussie Mussie stalls. Many Gold coloured flowers will be needed.
Prizewinning Garden: The President congratulated Bill & Di Hall on their recent success in the Garden Clubs of Australia inaugural National Garden Competition. The garden was placed first in the Northern NSW/South east Qld zone in its category.
February 2002
Autumn Flower Show: Marianne Parry and Margaret Stevenson have plans co-ordinated for the event. They will need to buy additional flowers & materials for the displays. Stall convenors to call for volunteers at the next meeting. Wendy Hartman has a birthday design planned for the Hall entrance. She will require help with this. Secretary to ring Graham Snell re borrowing some pots of Vireya to define the cafe area. Secretary to update the sign for the Chamber of Commerce notice board and put it up on the 1st March. Small signs will be needed. Advertisements to be placed in the Range News plus a short article. Margaret Stevenson outlined plans for the fair and encouraged new members to come and help sometime over the three days. Leonie Loch gave a demonstration of picking flowers and preparing them for the Tussie Mussie stall. Flowers, plants, cuttings, cakes, produce, craft and White elephant items are needed over the three days.
Birthday celebrations to commence on Friday 16 with the choir, invited guests and a cutting the cake ceremony.
Insurance Policy: A discussion on the Club’s insurance was held. The Club is insured under the Garden Clubs of Australia insurance scheme, personal accident, public and products liability insurance. The secretary to ring the treasurer of Garden Clubs of Australia and seek clarification on the following questions
- Are we covered whilst travelling to Garden Club events?
- Are we covered while working at flower shows etc and are we required to sign a book when doing so?
- Are we covered for meetings held in members gardens?
- As we sell products at our fairs is that considered to be ‘a commercial activity’ invalidating our insurance policy?

March 2002
Autumn Flower Show appraisal: The following was suggested for future events.
- Our advertising needs to be accurate stating displays, demonstrations, stalls and activities that will take place.
- There should be more activities with a gardening theme to make the Fair a more interesting event.
- There followed a lengthly discussion on suitable activities with the following recommendations:
- The Arts and Craft Group would be willing to give demonstrations if given 2 months notice.
- Pat Powell may be willing to give cutting demonstrations.
- Mal Price could demonstrate methods of soil testing.
- Artists to demonstrate.
- Colin Campbell to speak on a set topic.
Fair Sub-committee: It was agreed a sub-committee be formed to assist in running and planning future Spring Fairs and Autumn Flower Shows. Norma McLeod is to act as co-ordinator for this. Members to be asked at the general meeting if they would be able to assist in forming this small sub-committee. A list of recommendations following this year’s Show to be compiled and made available to the sub-committee.
Distribution of Funds from the Autumn Flower Show: It was agreed the following recommendations be made to the general meeting. Community Centre $1,500.00; Maleny Kids Club $250.00; Erowal $500.00;: Hospital Palliative Care $300.00; QIMR (Queensland Institute of Medical Research?) $200.00
It was suggested that suggested the next General Meeting be a suitable place to make the cheque presentations. The recipients will be notified and The Range News contacted for publicity.
Insurance Policy: The secretary spoke to the treasurer of the Garden Clubs of Australia and has answers to the question listed in the February meeting.
- Bus trips: members are required to sign the insurance book for any bus trip. The time of departure and return for the trip to be recorded in the book and in the minutes.
- Members working at events: Members are required to sign the insurance book and the time of commencement and finishing to be recorded. The above are not a requirement of the insurance company but recommended by GC of Australia. These records must be kept for eight years.
- Travel to and from a Garden Club function is covered but we must take the direct route from home to venue.
- Members are covered for meetings held in members private gardens.
- We are covered for selling a product which may cause damage under the Products Liability insurance up to $10,000,000.00
- Visitors to Garden Club trips or functions are also covered by Public Liability.
It is of great importance members sign the insurance book at any Garden Club meeting. The Garden Club cannot be held responsible if members do not sign. It is realised it will take some education of members to achieve this goal.
Spring Fair: From suggested names for the Show Springtime in Maleny was chosen by the greatest show of hands. The flower competition will be open to members and to the public. A schedule is to be completed and with a flyer made available throughout the community. Prize winning cards will be awarded in each section and the Skerman Trophy given to the competitor with highest winning score. Entry will cost 20c with a maximum of $2.00 per class. There will be a members only category – A container of Spring flowers.
The stage will be decorated with five pillars dividing labelled floral depictions of the Four Seasons. The Floral Art will be at the front of the stage and the fruit and vegetable section immediately below the stage. The hanging basket section will occupy the centre of the hall with the flower sections radiating from this. The Craft stall will be on the toilet side of the Hall with the Tussie Mussies and plant stalls opposite. No cutting stall is planned, but five local artists will be asked to display a painting and these will be accompanied by a floral display of a similar theme. Gail Turner will have a display from the Range Country Nursery at the entrance foyer. It was suggested some changes be made to methods of issuing food from the kitchen, for further discussion. Entrance to the Hall will be $2.00.
May 2002
Increase in Annual Subscriptions: Following a short discussion members voted unanimously in favour of the annual fee being increased to $10.00 commencing when fees are due at the September AGM,
September 2002
The fiftieth Annual Meeting and Election of Officers was held on 24 September.
Officers elected for 2002-2003 were:
- President: Peter Golledge
- Vice Presidents: Norma McLeod and Sandra Slack
- Secretary: Gilliam MacLeod
- Assistant Secretary: Unknown
- Treasurer: Ivy Cox
- Assistant Treasurer: Unknown
- Committee: Geoff Anderson, Wendy Hartman, Marianne Parry, Jo Tedman, Leonie Loch, Margaret Harper, Dianne Engler, Dianne Falconer.
Distribution of Funds: Surplus income to the Clubs operating requirements accrued from the Autumn Flower Show and other activities allowed cash contributions to the following organisations: The Community Hall $1,500.00; Maleny Kids Club $250.00; Erowal $500.00; Hospital Palliative Care $300.00; Barung Landcare $200.00; Maleny Scouts $250.00; Centaur Sea Scouts $250.00; Hospital Auxiliary $500.00; QIMR $100.00; School of Natural Medicine $50.00; Maleny Show Society $10.00. Total $3,910.00.
The Maleny Garden Club has consistently, over many years been able to return surplus funds to worthy local groups, however the Club does not exist just to do this. It is a Club where people can meet, be informed about gardening topics, display their artistic skills and socialise among other things. If in this process to requirements are accrued then that is fortunate but not the primary aim of the Club.
November 2002
Plant Booklet: Following requests from many new members the committee plans to compile and print a booklet of plants suitable for growing in the Maleny area. Members contributed the names of plants that grow best for them, noting the district has many micro climates and this will need to be mentioned in the booklet. The booklet is now under way. Various members are contributing and Peter Golledge and Kevin Plucknett will put it together for the new year.
Development of the Maleny Garden Club Newsletter
Following discussion on the possibility of introducing a regular newsletter for the Maleny Garden Club, in 2002, the 50th anniversary year, a newsletter came to fruition.
Read about this process here.