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Major Club Functions
There were two major functions during the year, one on 1 March with Colin Campbell and Gardening on the Edge in June.
The function on 1 March, 2005 was held at the Maleny Community Hall where members and visitors enjoyed a slide presentation from Colin featuring some of the best gardens from around the world.

Gardening on the Edge was a new initiative for the club which provided an opportunity for local people and visitors from a wide range of South East Queensland to visit eight gardens in the Blackall Range area.
From a financial standpoint the surplus generated from Gardening on The Edge exceeded all expectations and secured the financial position of the club. We were fortunate with the weather over the two days of the event, when it was fine. Visitors were pleasantly surprised to find no charge for entry to the Activities Hall, although many were happy to pay for refreshments, plants and other items which were for sale.
Annual General Meeting 2005
At the fifty-third Annual Meeting and Election of Officers the Officers elected for 2005-2006 were:
- Patron: Alan Webster
- President: Sandra Slack
- Secretary Correspondence: Gillian McLeod
- Secretary Minutes: Jodie Rowan Robins
- Treasurer: Philip Myring
- Assistant Treasurer: Susan Myring
- Gardening on the Edge Organiser: Margaret Harper
- Auditor: Davis Bromet
- Committee: Alan Warry, Peg Warry, Geoff Anderson, Molly Cock, Nancy Schafer, Wendy Hartman, Marianne Parry, Doris Pedler, Jo Tedman
- Committee Members: Rosemary Simmons, Kay Eastmure, Christine Maller, Bob & Joan Swift, Dianna Begbie, Norma McLeod, Lisa Plunkett, Gillian McLeod, & Margaret Harper.
Non-Elected Positions
- Bus Convenor: Diana Begbie & Kay Eastmure
- Librarian: Bev Brown
- Publicity Officer/ Snippets Editor: Margaret Harper