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The Passing of Sandy Slack
Sandra (Sandy) Slack held many roles in the Maleny Garden Club, including serving as Vice President in 2002/03, 2003/04, 2004/05 and President in 2005/06, 2006/07 and 2007/08. Sadly Sandy passed away during 2008.
In the Spring 2008 edition of Snippets, Harry Rowland ((the Vice President at the time of Sandys passing) wrote:
Sandy Slack will never be forgotten and it is with shock and sorrow that I write this column. She was dynamic and committed, and many of the innovations we now enjoy in the Club, i.e. Gardening on the Edge, Sip-n-Snip, Snippets can be attributed to Sandy. Sandy made the most of every moment of her life and left us with a vibrant active Club. I am sure that we will all work together to maintain this standard of excellence, and promote enthusiasm for gardening and most of all for friendship.
In the pipeline we are working with Sandy;s family to have a lasting memorial to Sandy, a place where we can all contemplate the special beauty of Maleny and its gardens.
As a consequence a seat in memory of Sandra Slack was erected in the Maleny Showgrounds just outside the room used by the Arts & Crafts Group and indeed it does allow the contemplation of Maleny and its gardens.

Annual General Meeting 2008
At the fitty-sixth Annual Meeting and Election of Officers the Officers elected for 2008-2009 were:
- Patron: Colin Campbell
- President: Harry Rowlands
- Vice President: Pam Linnett
- Secretary Correspondence: Babs Groves
- Secretary Minutes: Christine Crocker & Andrea Long
- Treasurer: Christine Crocke
- Membership: Corinne Taylor & Pat Powell
- Gardening on the Edge Organisers: Jan McGuire & Sonia Douglas
- Auditor: Davis Bromet
Non-Elected Positions
- Snippets Editor: Margaret Owens
- Membership: Corinne Taylor & Pat Powell
- Bus Convenor: Judith Mains & Sue Bell
- Librarians: John & Andrea Long
- Program Co-ordinator: Di Begbie
- New Member Hostesses: Corrine Taylor & Pat Powell