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No photographic record of the floral carpet has been discovered.

January 1987

Autumn Show: Preparation for the floral carpet: Mrs Peg Burnett suggested a long and narrow design, starting in the centre and extending out in small squares with a different pattern in the centre of each square. Members needed to go to cut pine for it. Dried ghost plants and ferns (bracken) were also suggested. Members were asked to contact people with dahlias (heads only needed for carpet). It was decided eight other flower arrangements were necessary. Suggestions were made for other interesting small exhibitions: home made dolls and  bark paintings. Members were asked to do some potting up of plants for the general purpose stall.

February 1987

The passing of Mr Rixson Burnett: The President spoke of the late Mr Rixson Burnett who had died on the 20th February. He had had a very close association with the Society and had worked towards its welfare over many years. (Rixson was  the first Secretary of the Maleny & Districts Horticultural Society, a position he held for the first 3 years. Members to stand for one minute to pay their respects.

September 1987

The thirty fifth Annual Meeting and Election of Officers was held at the RSL Hall on 29 September.

Officers elected for 1987-1988 were:

    • Patron: Mr Alan Webster
    • President: Mrs Phyl Waters (subject to her approval)
    • Vice Presidents: Mrs Thalia Skerman and Mr Jim Hitchings
    • Secretary: Mrs Eileen Harrison
    • Treasurer: Mrs Edna Hawkins
    • Assistant Treasurer: Mrs Maisie Cassells
    • Auditor: Mr Peter Peterson
    • Publicity Officer: Mrs Thalia Skerman

October 1987

Maleny Beautification Awards: Mrs Nell Guthrie won the Residential Section for her garden in Miva Street.