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No photographic record of the floral carpet has been discovered.
January 1997
Autumn Flower Show: Preparing for this event:
Marianne Parry asked for large shrubs for Lyn McGrath. Convenors of stalls were asked to keep receipts and a list of expenses for reimbursement. Flyers and invitations were sent to bus companies, other garden clubs and Senior Citizens. The possibility of another workshop to be discussed at the General meeting. Di Hall wants potted herbs for the kitchen stall. Margaret Stevenson will take an inventory of people storing Garden Club essentials.
Newsletter: The suggestion of a newsletter was discussed and several ways and means suggested. The General feeling was to defer this until a later date as our minutes, The Range News, Grapevine etc, cover the communication at present.
Beautification of Maple Street: It was reported that the Chamber of Commerce wants the Garden Club input into the Beautification of Maple Street. The management Committee will meet with the Chamber representative with a view to forming a sub-Committee to help. There were many interested hands raised to help.
March 1997
Fund Submissions: It was agreed that we specify the use of the money to each society snd charity. Decisions were as follows.
- The majority to the Community Centre $1,500.00 + $500.00 for storage.
- Rural Fire Brigade $500.00 to be used for radio equipment.
- Witta School restoration $500.00 to be used for mower/whipper snipper.
- Maleny Hospital $200.00 to be used for new curtains.
- Maleny Scouts $200.00 to be used for paint.
- Maleny Players $50.00 donation for loan of backdrop.
May 1997
Floral Carpet 1998: Suggestions were called sought for the 1998 Autumn Flower Show floral carpet as plantings need to be taken into consideration for this. The theme, With a Song in my Heart, was mentioned.
June 1997
Thalia Skerman: A beautiful birthday cake was made and iced by Norma McLeod and presented to Thalia Skerman for her 80th birthday. Thalia has given many years of service to our Club and still serves as our Publicity Officer. Thank you Thalia and many more Happy Birthdays!
August 1997
It was revealed that the Open Gardens for our weekend of the Spring Fair are to be at the homes of:
- Leonie Loch, – 55 North Maleny Road Maleny
- Lorna McMillan, – 131 Kenilworth Road Maleny
- The grounds of Maleny Retirement Village Ben Bryce Park 30 Landsborough Road Maleny.
The forty fifth Annual Meeting and Election of Officers was held at the home of Di Hall on 26 August.
Officers elected for 1997-1998 were:
- President: Shirley Hollonds
- Vice Presidents: Di Hall and Ivy Cox
- Secretary: Val Bengston
- Assistant Secretary: Val Rickaby
- Treasurer: Norma McLeod
- Assistant Treasurer: Val Rickaby
- Publicity: Thalia Skerman
- Catering: Joan Stilwell
September 1997
The results of the Autumn Flower Show were discussed and decisions made for the distribution of $3,500.00 the nett proceeds.
October 1997
The Spring Fair netted approx. $3,800.00. It was unanimous that the usual $1,000.00 be left as undistributed funds to carry over. A decision to distribute $3,000.00 at present was made with a tentative decision made re allocation of funds to be discussed at the General meeting.
Queensland Ambulance Transport Brigade (QATB) $360.00; Hospital Auxiliary $500.00; Information Centre $140.00; Community Centre $1,500.00; High School $300.00; Senior Citizens $200 – Total $3,000.00.

November 1997
Autumn Flower Show 1998: There were long discussions about the size of the displays, parking of the vintage cars, the stall organisers, and the possibility of moving the plant/cuttings stall for easier access to the ramp. Val Rickaby offered to organise the roster for the door, raffle and lunch money.