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Floral Carpet theme – Art and Flowers – Autumn Fair 1994
(Featuring the Maleny Cow)
Designer and Leader Di Hall
January 1994
Loud Speaker and Microphone: A new addition to the front table is a microphone and amplifier courtesy of Harold Powell and John Ferguson. A vote of thanks was delivered to Harold and John and also payment of $50.00 for costs of making equipment.
Autumn Flower Show: Maleny Autumn Flower Show to be held on Thursday 17 and Friday 18 March with set up day Wednesday 16 at 9.00am in the Community Hall.
June Crane told members that dodgers have been sent to other Garden Clubs to give notice of our forthcoming event.
Carolyn Clark spoke about details in setting up of Hall, paintings for display, painters who are willing to demonstrate during show and raffle. If any paintings are sold 20% will be received by Garden Club. The raffle is to be a painting bought from George Hazzard, Tickets for the raffle will be on sale well before the Fair.
It was agreed that the Tussie Mussie stall be included in the Autumn Flower Show.
March 1994
April 1994
On behalf of the Garden Club a presentation of $3,000.00 was made by Thalia Skerman to Brian Turner who is President of the Committee for Hall. The presentation was applauded by members and recorded by The Range News with a photo taken. President Pat Powell thanked Carolyn Clark for her keenness and ardent directions to all Club members and for their enthusiasm and hard work during the Fair in March.
It was passed that our Club donate also $200.00 to the Rotary Jaws of Life Appeal.
May 1994
Constitution: Following a conversation that commenced in May 1992, the President with the assistance of Shirley Hollonds presented the aims and objects of our Garden Club. It was resolved all members be given the opportunity to have a copy of our Constitution.
Judging: It was required that judges to be less exact in nature. We would like to project the simple country image and not try to emulated the 100% professionalism as some would like to simply enjoy themselves.
September 1994
Life Membership Awarded: As we value our more experienced and older members we have decided Peg Burnett and Edna Hawkins our two Life Members be joined by Annie and Maisie Cassells, Thalia Skerman, Phyl Waters and Olga Webster. Congratulations on long and faithful service.
The forty second Annual Meeting and Election of Officers was held in the Community Hall on 27 September
Officers elected for 1994-1995 were:
- President: Pat Powell
- Vice President: Val Bengston
- Assistant Vice President: Vacant
- Secretary: Helen Dodd
- Assistant Secretary: Margie Windel
- Treasurer: Jean Skerman
- Assistant Treasurer: Val Carr
Special Duties Officers
- Publicity Officer: Hamer Wallis
- Coffee, Tea and Urn Officer: Hamer Wallis
- Catering Officer: Shirley Hollonds
- Bus Tours Officer: Di Hall
- Hostess Officer: Joyce Ferguson
- Stewards Officer: Evan and Moyra Jones
- Venue and Speakers Officer: Lorna McMillan
- Library Officer: Ivy Cox and Nancy Schafer
- Friend and Foe: Joyce Butterfield
- Bird of the Month: Eileen Harrison
- History and Education: Evan Jones
- Raffle Officer: Jo Tedman
- Sale of Cuttings: Barbara Dean
October 1994
Preparation for the Autumn Flower Show and Floral Carpet 1995:
Theme to be Flowers Through our Heritage based on the Waltzing Matilda Centenary.
- Invitations to be sent out immediately to all relevant Garden Clubs.
- A patchwork quilt is to be made by a number of members for a raffle. The design to be a log cabin. Robyn and Jo co-ordinating.
- Maybe twelve groups of school children could be invited to sing relevant songs.
- Cuttings to be sold and presented as at Chelsea. Tussie Mussies to rise to 60c.