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Floral Carpet theme – Floral Clock – Autumn Fair 1992
Designer Di Hall
January 1992
Incorporation: The start of the process of incorporation began.
March 1992
Autumn Fair:The Autumn Fair was a great success. The Floral Clock Capet was much admired. We were able to donate $1,500.00 to the Community Centre – a great effort, Congratulations all.
There was a discussion about entrance money for members, and proposed that all financial Garden Club members and CWA members pay 50c once to cover the entrance fees for both days of the Autumn Fair. Advertising could be improved. It was suggested that advertisements be placed along the Range, with Sunshine Coast Radio, 4SS, 4QR and RACQ.
May 1992
Planning for the Spring Fair:
- One raffle at the door each day,. A hamper raffle at the Produce Stall (one for two days), Members to be asked to donate to this.
- Jo Tedman to make enquiries on the price of hessian for tables.
- Handicrafts and special plant stall items to be sold with a 10% commission. Members to donate to other stalls.
- Neil Paltridge to be nursery supplying plants on 10% commission.
- There is to be Primary School Choir and a display of paper-making at certain times. These to be marked on a clock at the entrance. Ralph Crane to put on a display of native orchids.
- Jo Tedman will arrange background music.
- Corinne Clark will arrange for the wheelbarrow and with Lynn McGrath will be responsible for display in the Foyer.
- Corinne asked for each member to grow some Spring flowers in the ten inch plastic pot for display.
- Di Hall to bring sandwich boards.
August 1992
The Spring Fair will be held on September 11 and 12 in the Community Centre and promises to be bigger and better than ever. Proceeds will be in aid of the Maleny Ambulance Centre.
(Source Range News)
September 1992

Spring Fair: Dan Statham, new officer in charge of the Maleny Ambulance, accepted a cheque for $2,200.00 being the proceeds from the Spring Fair. He congratulated the Club on this grand effort. The funds will be put toward equipment for the benefit of all. Dan told a little about himself and assured everyone that the Ambulance Service, although now run from a Central Agency, would be just as efficient as always. He invited the Club to the new station when it is completed.
The fortieth Annual Meeting and Election of Officers was held on 28 September.
Officers elected for 1992-1993 were:
- President: Corinne Taylor
- Vice Presidents: Leonie Loch and Pat Powell
- Secretary: Helen Dodd
- Assistant Secretary: Eileen Harrison
- Treasurer: Shirley Hollonds
- Stall Convenor: Nancy Schafer
- Stewards for flowers each meeting: Yvonne Boorman, Joyce Ferguson, Merle Wilkins
- Judge of Fowers: June Crane
- Bus Convenor: Di Hall
- Publicity Officer: Ivy Cox
- Arranger of Speakers at Meetings: Bev Campbell
- Autumn and Spring Fair Organiser: June Crane
- Committee: Merle Wilkins, Yvonne Boorman, Pat Cairns, Pat Powell, Jo Tedman, Di Hall plus Executive.
- Patron: Alan Webster